On the eve of a trip to Geneva in September, a male friend said, "Maybe you'll meet a rich industrialist and get married." What shocked me about his statement was the realization that I myself would never have thought of such a thing. Maybe that's why I'm not married. Anyway, I did meet some fellows in England and Switzerland and Italy. Pick the winner!
This was my first candidate at a small pub in Ramsbottom, Lancashire, England.
The next day we found this candidate in another small Lancashire village. When we woke him up he was very jolly but said he was deaf and couldn't hear us.
This bike team was touring in the hills near Lago Maggiore in Italy. They loved having their picture taken but wouldn't all fit in our car.
Two 85 year old prospects on the afternoon Lake Geneva boat. Robbie on the left is a retired mountain climber.
And my last day there these two fellows were just sitting on a bench in Nyons, a town on the west side of Lake Geneva.
I missed the industrialist by about Six Hundred Million Euros. Now you vote on one for me!